Friday, October 27, 2006

Story: Certified

I was in my second season at my first job and had become one of the better bartenders on the crew. I got a vast majority of the best shifts and worked almost 60 hours a week. I was making some serious bank (although I learned at my current jobs that the money I was making, and thought was good, was actually quite terrible).

We were setting up for one of the bigger, more important parties that the company held each year. 1200 people, open bar, really important client type stuff. The event didn't start until 6pm, but I was in at 10am to set up (and making a mean $5.50 an hour).

About halfway through the set up, one of the managers brings up this tall goofy looking kid wearing the uniform of a bartender. I looked at two of my other co-workers who had just noticed the lumox lumbering up to us and they shot me the "oh crap, who is this shmuck?" look.

Jim comes over and introduces us to the FNG and tells us he is a new bartender and will be starting today. It was an open bar and its relatively hard to screw up serving free drinks. I looked at the kid and asked the simple question, "Do you have any experience?"

He took off his aviator glasses and with all the pompadour of a French Aristocrat, responded "Oh, I'm certified!"

Oh great, a bartending school graduate who thinks he is a bartender.

Side Rant: I have no problem with the idea of bartending school. However, the actual application of it is complete shit. Schools make students memorize a bunch of recipes for drinks that no one orders, fail to incorporate new drinks, products, or techonology into their curriculum, test students abilities using colored water, and in general, teach the least important aspects of Bartending. Unlike Link, we came into the job knowing that he really wasn't adequately prepared, most bartending school graduates are think they are perfectly ready to step onto the floor during a 10pm rush. Most of them are quickly reduced to tears while I clean up their mess, but I digress.

I hear two stifled laughs from behind me as my co-workers attempt to show some sense of decorum. Still wanting to know what this kids real deal was, I asked "Certified by whom?"

"Oh I graduted from blah blah bartending academy."

"So, do you have any real experience," was my reply.

"Well, I worked a few frat parties." Great, not only does he think he is bigshit, but his only experience comes from slinging crappy vodka and cranberries to underage sorostitutes.

The kid became known as "Certified" for his entire, albeit short career with the company. I really doubt he's bartending anywhere now. The business isn't made for oafish lummoxes.

In honor of his frat party experience, enjoy a:

Ultimate House Party Traveler.

20 oz Bottle of Coke
6 oz of Bacardi Razz (from out of the freezer)
4 oz of Water

Empty half of the coke (into a mouth, mixed drink, or the drain). Pour in the pre-chilled bacardi razz and water. Give a quick shake (and don't open right away drunky!) Enjoy the quick pre-party buzz you'll get. It makes the Natty Ice go down alot more smoothly.


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