Story: I'm Hot
I will preface this post with some simple facts about myself.
1. I am overweight.
2. I think I am unattractive.
3. I play Dungeons and Dragons (although not as of late)
4. Bartending is the only reason I know how to talk to girls.
I doubled on saturday. Doubling is usually not a big deal at most place. It normally means you work 8-12 hours and are done early. Not at the club. Doubling at the club means starting at 10am and working until close (2 am, however after cleaning and tip counting more like 4am).
I put in an 18 hour shift, in otherwords.
The day started good. I had a Starbucks Chat Tea Latte which picked me up after having slept only 4 hours the previous night (I work 12 hours on friday and 12 on wednesday and got royally messed up on thursday [thanksgiving, my only day off last week])
I was working with some of my favorite people. Angela, who is normally a server but bartends sometimes, Caren, the server who has broken my heart numerous times (thats another story), and a few other good peeps.
The day shift was nothing to talk about. It's funny, because we are the "other team bar." When the home college team (of whom I am a student) plays, we are inundated by fans of the other team en route and returning from the game.
We continued on until we got crushed at 9pm, which is the usual for saturdays. I cranked out over $2600 on the day, which was nearly a thousand more than any of the other bartenders.
What really stood out was a girl who kept getting long island ice tea's from me. Now normally, I am merely a conduit for girls telling me that several of our other bartenders are hot. However, at the end of the night, something was different. She went up to one of our female bartenders and told her that I was "Hot and she likes me."
That NEVER happens.
Tonite, I bask in being hot and liked.
Enjoy something hot, and unliked:
Prairie Fire
1 oz Tequila
1/3 oz Hot sauce
1. I am overweight.
2. I think I am unattractive.
3. I play Dungeons and Dragons (although not as of late)
4. Bartending is the only reason I know how to talk to girls.
I doubled on saturday. Doubling is usually not a big deal at most place. It normally means you work 8-12 hours and are done early. Not at the club. Doubling at the club means starting at 10am and working until close (2 am, however after cleaning and tip counting more like 4am).
I put in an 18 hour shift, in otherwords.
The day started good. I had a Starbucks Chat Tea Latte which picked me up after having slept only 4 hours the previous night (I work 12 hours on friday and 12 on wednesday and got royally messed up on thursday [thanksgiving, my only day off last week])
I was working with some of my favorite people. Angela, who is normally a server but bartends sometimes, Caren, the server who has broken my heart numerous times (thats another story), and a few other good peeps.
The day shift was nothing to talk about. It's funny, because we are the "other team bar." When the home college team (of whom I am a student) plays, we are inundated by fans of the other team en route and returning from the game.
We continued on until we got crushed at 9pm, which is the usual for saturdays. I cranked out over $2600 on the day, which was nearly a thousand more than any of the other bartenders.
What really stood out was a girl who kept getting long island ice tea's from me. Now normally, I am merely a conduit for girls telling me that several of our other bartenders are hot. However, at the end of the night, something was different. She went up to one of our female bartenders and told her that I was "Hot and she likes me."
That NEVER happens.
Tonite, I bask in being hot and liked.
Enjoy something hot, and unliked:
Prairie Fire
1 oz Tequila
1/3 oz Hot sauce
Conglatulations! Actually, i consider compliments a very nice part of the job - makes you smile more often, makes you look better. But to be honest, after 18 hour shift i wouldn't give a f*** how gorgeouse i am. I would be so dead tired. I admire your patience.
do bartenders have gifts given to them, like vicodens or percocets or anything fun??
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